Sue Whytock

People always told me that I could write. I finished my English Literature Degree in 1990 and convinced myself I couldn’t...a Masters in Women’s Studies followed and then casework and project management for Women’s Aid and, then Refuge. At some point I made a decision to retrain to be a teacher or solicitor (teaching won - a PGCE takes less time than a Law Conversion Course). Following children, I have been a part-time teacher and a part-time bookseller and a very part time writer! I have struggled to allow myself the time to write, or to develop the discipline, but I am trying to address this now. I have taken an OU creative writing course and courses with The Writer’s Company. I focus on short stories and life writing and occasionally submit my work to competitions.

I have been longlisted in the Fish Short Story Competition and have been published online, after winning a competition for the 1000 Word Challenge.

I love music, walking and reading.

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